The Kicks Count app

Hybrid mobile app with automatic language detection.

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  • Type

    Mobile App

  • Date

    Feb 2016

  • Client

    Kicks Count

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The app is designed to help expecting mothers log their babies kicks to monitor their movements throughout the day.

It uses the ionic framework that allows exporting the app on multiple platforms. A backend API communicates with the app securely to bring the health information regarding your baby.

This application also supports multiple languages including Arabic, Polish and French. It detects what language your phone is in and automatically sets the language of the information to follow.

Recent updates to this app provided additional functionality like syncing data between phones, logging in with Facebook and stability improvements for newer versions of operating systems.

Created in conjunction with M/A

NHS Digital Listed

Did you know our app is listed with NHS Digital? NHS Digital provide information and technology for better health and care, so we are thrilled to be featured. To be listed, the app underwent complex technical reviews to ensure it met the high standard of quality, safety and effectiveness you'd expect. 

App Awards Won

  • Best Baby and Toddler Gear 2018: Silver Parenting App
  • Best Baby and Toddler Gear 2018: Consumer Choice
  • Family awards 2017: Bronze award - Best Paranting App